June 9, 2013
Powerful reseach party
Approx. 1000 people visit IST Austria for Open Campus 2013 • awards for winners of school competition • proceeds from sale of food and drinks go to flood victims

Yesterday approx. 1000 people took the opportunity to visit the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in Maria Gugging/Klosterneuburg in sunny weather. The scientists set up research islands and organized lab tours to present their work in an easy-to-understand way, inviting the visitors to pose questions and do hands-on experiments. The Miba Machine Shop was open to visitors for the first time.
At the official opening IST Austria President Thomas Henzinger expressed his gratitude to the region’s people for their neighborly friendliness and their continuous interest in the development of the research institute. His special thanks went to the firefighters of Maria Gugging, who supported the Open Campus in spite of their efforts of stemming the floods over the last few days. Henzinger also stated that the IST Austria decided to donate the proceeds from the sale of food and drink to flood victims.
The opening was followed by the award ceremony for the winners of the IST Austria school competition. This year’s competition was about “Discover the forces – where the power is”. Supported by their teachers, students from the region were asked to study the forces of nature and contribute questions in the form of images and movies.