ISTA Research Explorer (ISTA REx) is the institutional repository presenting the scholarly output of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). Researchers are encouraged to deposit their scholarly publications with a Creative Commons license, preprints, postprints, technical reports, and theses in full text. In addition, other research results such as research data, software or conference papers can be made available. Originally published material for instance theses or research data receive their own DOI as a persistent identifier. The Open Access Policy of ISTA underpins the repository and supports the mission to make research at ISTA as open as possible to the public.
ISTA REx enables the creation of bibliographic lists for single authors affiliated to ISTA, a specific Research Group or the whole Institute. After logging in with the institutional account, a user may add items via DOI import, pdf upload or by entering PMID or arXiv IDs and publish their scholarly papers Open Access under the conditions of the publisher. The repository includes helpful features like linking articles to research data or other articles, and linking all entries of the same awarded or acknowledged grants. ISTA REx therefore facilitates the responsibility of the researchers to satisfy grant and funder requirements for Open Access within the research cycle such as the ERC, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe or FWF. Technically, ISTA REx is realized with the Open Source software LibreCat. The metadata records (except the copyright protected abstracts) are available under a CC0 license in several formats through an API interface. The service is listed in OpenDOAR and re3data.
User Guides
- Search and Find
A short explanation how to search and find items in the institutional repository. - Personal Settings
A short explanation how to access your user account, add author identifiers and mark favorite publications in the institutional repository - Create New Entries
A short explanation how to add new research output to the repository and how to add files to existing entries. - Create New Data Entries
A short explanation how to create a new research data entry and specific mandatory fields. - Create New Scientific Software Entry
Learn how you can publish your GitLab code through ISTA REx and get a DOI so you can cite your software in your publication. - Create New Thesis Entry
This manual guides you through creating a new entry for a PhD thesis in the institutional repository. - Create New Technical Reports
A short explanation how to publish a Technical Report/anonymous Technical Report (grey literature) at ISTA. - Creative Commons Licenses – General Information
Please find here a first insight to Creative Commons Licenses. - How to create a PDF/A document?
This manual explains how to create a PDF/A document (which is needed to upload your PhD thesis to the repository).
Technical Reports
We provide a chronological list of technical reports created at ISTA since 2009. These reports are published via ISTA Research Explorer, the institutional repository of ISTA.