Baykusheva Group
Ultrafast Quantum Phases and Spectroscopy
Solids with strongly correlated electrons often host co-existing and competing quantum phases (such as superconductivity, topologically non-trivial states, or electronic liquid crystal phases) that can be manipulated by external stimuli. Over the last decade, light-matter interactions mediated by intense ultrashort laser fields have emerged as a non-thermal pathway to control these phases dynamically, enabling the stabilization of transient states that completely lack an equilibrium counterpart.
Despite these exciting developments, ultrafast light-matter interactions have so far been predominantly viewed from a “semiclassical perspective”, i.e., treating matter quantum mechanically while imposing a classical description of the electromagnetic field. Light states with non-classical photon statistics, on the other hand, might open new avenues in spectroscopy and technology by enabling new types of responses or new control knobs to manipulate matter excitations.
The overarching goal of our research group will be to bridge this gap and bring ultrafast spectroscopy to the fully quantum regime. Our primary focus is on developing the spectroscopic tools to sample photon correlation functions in the time domain and generate ultrabroadband quantum light displaying features like anti-bunching, squeezing, and entanglement, to directly excite correlated many-body states inside complex materials. The ability to map the photon correlations onto matter and vice versa may provide a fresh perspective on many phenomena situated at the foundations of quantum electrodynamics, enable the direct detection and manipulation of multipartite quantum states of matter with light, and ultimately lead to the discovery of new functionalities.
Multiple positions are available!
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Current Projects
Time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy of low-dimensional cuprates | Ultrafast Floquet engineering of strongly correlated materials | Witnessing out-of-equilibrium entanglement dynamics in strongly-correlated systems
Baykusheva DR. 2024. Through the slopes of a light-induced phase transition. Nature Physics. 20(5), 684–685. View
ReX-Link: Denitsa Baykusheva
Since 2024 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2020 – 2023 Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA
2018 – 2020 Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Laboratory, USA
2018 PhD, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Selected Distinctions
2021 Bronze Talk Prize at the “Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids” (LEES 2021) conference
2021 Second place Talk Prize “New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems” (NGSCES 2021) conference
2020 PostDoc.Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
2019 Early PostDoc.Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
2017 SCS Travel Award for the Participation at the 6th Conference on Attosecond Physics (Xi’an, China)
2015 Participation at the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Interdisciplinary)
2014 Medal of the ETH Zürich for an Outstanding Master Thesis
2013 Willi Studer Award for the Best Degree in Chemistry 2013
2012 Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Award, ETH Zürich Foundation