January 27, 2012
Tom Henzinger receives honorary doctorate

IST President Thomas A. Henzinger is today granted an honorary doctorate from Université Joseph Fourier. Farid Ouabdesselam, President of the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, will confer the honorary doctorates to him and six other international scientists for their academic achievements. Among the awardees are such excellent researchers as geographer Anne Buttimer from University College Dublin, glaciologist and Nobel Prize winner Dahe Qin from Beijing, chemist Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandar Rao from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bangalore, geophysicist James R. Rice from Harvard University, mathematician Stanislav Smirnov from University of Geneva, and physicist Mark Sutton from McGill University Montreal. Thomas Henzinger is an internally renowned computer scientist who was professor at the University of Berkeley and the EPFL Lausanne before joining the Institute of Science and Technology Austria as president in 2009. All of the awardees have maintained contact with laboratories at Université Joseph Fourier for several years. The official award ceremony will be held today at 1:00 pm at the Louis Weil Hall and will be followed by music of the campus orchestra and cocktails in the rooms of the student association.