September 18, 2015
Scientific Service Units launch website to showcase research infrastructure at IST Austria
Scientific Service Units give on-campus support to researchers • All available services and equipment presented on one website
Today the Scientific Service Units launched a dedicated website to better showcase their high-quality research infrastructure. It is the Scientific Service Units at IST Austria that provide scientists with professional services and state-of-the-art equipment for performing research at an internationally competitive level. As IST Austria aims at maximizing the sharing of its high-performance infrastructure among multiple research groups in order to avoid a duplication of efforts and expenses, its Scientific Service Units are central core facilities open to all scientists of the institute. Currently, there are seven Scientific Service Units established on campus, ranging from the bioimaging facility and the electron microscopy facility to the life sciences facility, scientific computing, the library, the MIBA Machine shop, and a clean room facility, which is still under development. The staff of these Scientific Service Units gives the IST Austria researchers the support they need to ensure their excellent findings in science.
Further information can be found at