January 17, 2015
Federal Minister Stöger visits IST Austria and emphasizes excellence
Applied research is often based on basic research

Alois Stöger, Austria’s Federal Minister for Traffic, Innovation and Technology, paid a visit to the Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) to get an idea of the basic research conducted in Klosterneuburg. Stöger stated: “As our country competes for the best achievements, the brightest heads and the smartest technologies worldwide, it is important for us to focus and pursue excellence. The IST Austria illustrates how research teams can be set up to do excellent research.”
IST Austria President Thomas Henzinger added: “Basic and applied research are not exclusive but are two dots on the same time axis. Both areas require and complement each other.”
Stöger pointed out the fact that Austria is represented by international frontrunner companies in some research areas, including environmental and production technology or aeronautics. He emphasized the need to find synergies, citing the plans for establishing a technology park on the premises of IST Austria an example. “As minister for technology, I regard IST Austria as an important institution because applied research is based on excellence in basic research.”